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[sumo-user] Prevent loaded vehicles from being inserted into the simulation


I am using TraCI with the following while loop condition to run the
simulation until all vehicles have arrived:

while traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0

In my code I want to randomly prevent some vehicles from being inserted into
the simulation.
I realized that the following code causes the simulation to end early due to
the while condition:

loaded_vehicles = simulation_sub[tc.VAR_LOADED_VEHICLES_IDS]
for vid in loaded_vehicles:
   if not should_vehicle_depart():

Therefore, I am currently using:

departed_vehicles = simulation_sub[tc.VAR_DEPARTED_VEHICLES_IDS]
for vid in departed_vehicles:
   if not should_vehicle_depart():

My problem with the current implementation is that the vehicles still show
up for one timestep in the output files (vehroute-output, fcd-output,
tripinfo-output, etc.).

Is there another way of doing this to achieve the desired output? 
Maybe a different while condition?

I think I have also found a small bug:
When a vehicle has departure time 00:00:00 it shows up twice in the
Once after timestep 0 and then also after timestep 1.
This even happens when removing the vehicle after timestep 0!
Here an example of my logs:

After step 0
Departed list = ('10292601_3',)
Remove vehicle 10292601_3
After step 1
Departed list = ('10292601_3',)
After step 2
Departed list = ()

Thanks for the help!

Best regards

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