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Re: [sumo-user] SUMP performance evaluation

Hello Mohsen,
In my own research I have not had access to an unbiased dataset of full-path travel times so I never did a validation on this (the closest thing I had were taxi travel times and emergency vehicle travel times).
Also, I do not recall such a study being presented at any of the sumo user conferences.
I would note, that you should not rely on out-of-the-box travel times without doing some calibration for your area of study.
This is due to the influence off all the factors you already mentioned.


Am Mo., 18. Mai 2020 um 05:05 Uhr schrieb mohsen hs <mohsenhs82@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi there, 

I am trying to find a comparison of travel times obtained from SUMO with some real-world traffic data (like the standard deviation of travel times). I was wondering if someone could please mention some citable paper(s). I am aware that SUMO has been used in many industrial projects, so it must be pretty reliable.

I think I am trying to ask:
For the same number of vehicles on a similar path (simulator VS reality), how much variation in travel-time we may expect (Maybe a range)? Although I know the answer depends on various factors such as the chosen car-following model, traffic light phasing, and lane-changing model?

Many thanks

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