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Re: [sumo-user] Different vehicle behavior in same surroundings

Hello Jakob,

if I understood you correctly, when I run scenarios A, B, C, D, you are
suggesting that I save the state of the simulation before I run each next
scenario. Then if I only want to run scenario C, I load that particular
state saved before running C in the sequence A, B, C, D and the behavior
should be the same.

If that is correct, I have another question:

How can I trigger saving the state in a particular moment, that I cannot
know beforehand to set times? 
I cannot know it beforehand because I don't know how long the episode will
take, it depends on the behavior of the remote vehicle and the other
I simply want to save the state when the scenario ends and that happens when
end of road defined beforehand is reached or when there is a crash.

(I know I could set period to every time-step but that is a lot of useless
files saved)

Also here:

I found this:

Know Issues:
- The state of the random number generate is not saved. Thus, simulations
will behave differently from the original after being reloaded from a state.
- The internal state of the lanChangeModel is not saved
the internal state of the carFollowModel is not saved (not all models have
- Persons are not saved

Is this still the case? If yes, wouldn't saving and loading the sim. state
be useless for me?



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