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Re: [sumo-user] Boundary Conditions + Acceleration

1) departSpeed="desired" should never jam the inflow. Combine this with departPos="last" for maximum flow. Add departLane="best" to get a good lane distribution on multi-lane roads
2) traci.vehicle.getAccel returns maximum acceleration which is desired by most cfmodels as long as the vehicle is below its desired speed (speedLimit * individualSpeedFactor)


Am Mi., 25. März 2020 um 18:08 Uhr schrieb Eugene Vinitsky <evinitsky@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Dear all,

I have two questions. I have a network where congestion forms at the inflow and never resolves. I played around with most of the departSpeed options but none of them seem to resolve it. Do you have any suggestions for what might help here? I'm trying to get the congestion to travel back and out of the network.

Question 2: Is there a traci command that will return the desired acceleration of a vehicle?

Thank you!

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