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[sumo-user] Confusion about new features in RouteSampler tool


I've been creating the demand for my simulation using turn count data (11
intersections on 1 corridor). I tried the new RouteSampler tool and got this

`Wrote 572 routes (167 distinct) achieving total count 11244 at 588
locations. GEH<5 for 99.32%
Warning: underflow locations: count 463, min 1.00 (('749736413#1.127',
'-598977856#0')), max 54.00 (('697666085#15.103', '696962877#0')), mean 7.67
Q1 2.00, median 4.00, Q3 11.00 (total 3553)`

As my understanding, it returns 572 routes I can use but not the exact 14797
vehicles I need. I checked the output file, which only have 572 vehicles
with those routes assigned. It doesn't reflect the true volume.

Then I tried the new features of different output style. But even I set to
output flow file (tried both number and probability), the output file still
contains a very small amount of flow objects, and the number in those flow
objects sum up to less than 1k, which is way smaller the true volume (over

Any ideas about the routeSampler output? Is there any further step beyond
the output route file to run the simulation? How can I get the exact number
of vehicles? Thank you in advance.


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