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Re: [sumo-user] Flow definition disrepancy


The traffic demand given to SUMO typically does not specify the exact lane sequence. This means individual lanes could see higher flows and other lanes could see lower flow due to lane choice.
I would expect the simulated edge flow to be no higher than the defined flow.
An exception might happen if vehicles cannot be inserted for some time and then are released into the simulation at a later time, thereby increasing the flow beyond the specified value.
Things to check for:
- edge flow vs expected flow at different time aggregations
- depart delay (trip info), delayed departures per lane (gui coloring style)
- departLane definition for your flows


Am Fr., 6. März 2020 um 01:52 Uhr schrieb Chedly Bourguiba <chedly@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

I have an intersection where I know the exact vehicle count per lane and movement per hour (a specific hour). When running sumo, I define the flow XML file using the vehicle per hour attribute and then I compare the count I had for the specific hour that I modeled and some lanes would have a count higher than the value I used to model the flow.
Do you have any leads/idea where the discrepancy can come from?
Thank you in advance for your help!



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