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[sumo-user] How best to check and edit right of way matrices?

It's possible that the right of way matrices at intersections are not coming out the way I need them to be for my model (which may or may not agree with reality most closely).

I can see what I think are the relevant lines in the network files. I'll give an example below. However, I don't know how to inspect them in NetEdit, and I have not found instructions for programming them in the plain XML files. Is editing the network file my only option? 

Rich Tasgal

    <junction id="NodeX6Y4" type="priority" x="1200.00" y="400.00" incLanes="NodeX7Y4toNodeX6Y4_0 NodeX7Y4toNodeX6Y4_1 NodeX6Y3toNodeX6Y4_0 NodeX6Y3toNodeX6Y4_1 NodeX6Y3toNodeX6Y4_2 NodeX6Y3toNodeX6Y4_3 NodeX5Y4toNodeX6Y4_0 NodeX5Y4toNodeX6Y4_1" intLanes=":NodeX6Y4_0_0 :NodeX6Y4_1_0 :NodeX6Y4_2_0 :NodeX6Y4_3_0 :NodeX6Y4_4_0 :NodeX6Y4_4_1 :NodeX6Y4_6_0 :NodeX6Y4_7_0 :NodeX6Y4_8_0 :NodeX6Y4_9_0" shape="1193.60,412.00 1206.40,412.00 1206.84,408.89 1207.40,407.80 1208.18,407.02 1209.18,406.56 1210.40,406.40 1210.40,393.60 1208.18,392.98 1207.40,392.20 1206.84,391.11 1206.51,389.71 1206.40,388.00 1193.60,388.00 1193.16,390.22 1192.60,391.00 1191.82,391.56 1190.82,391.89 1189.60,392.00 1189.60,408.00 1191.82,408.44 1192.60,409.00 1193.16,409.78 1193.49,410.78">
        <request index="0" response="0000110000" foes="0000110000" cont="0"/>
        <request index="1" response="0000110000" foes="0000110000" cont="0"/>
        <request index="2" response="0000000000" foes="0000000000" cont="0"/>
        <request index="3" response="0000000000" foes="0000000000" cont="0"/>
        <request index="4" response="0000000000" foes="1100000011" cont="0"/>
        <request index="5" response="0000000000" foes="1100000011" cont="0"/>
        <request index="6" response="0000000000" foes="0000000000" cont="0"/>
        <request index="7" response="0000000000" foes="0000000000" cont="0"/>
        <request index="8" response="0000110000" foes="0000110000" cont="0"/>
        <request index="9" response="0000110000" foes="0000110000" cont="0"/>

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