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[sumo-user] Edge-type files for OpenDRIVE to SUMO-NET conversion not working?



I’m not sure whether I’m doing something wrong or the feature is broken, but I’m trying to convert an OpenDRIVE file to SUMO network file using an edge-type file to also convert sidewalks etc. I tried a few different OpenDRIVE files, but all with the same result that the edge-type file has no influence. E.g. I call “netconvert --opendrive myOpenDRIVE.xodr -e conversion_edge_types.xml --output.original-names -o


And I use an edge type file like this:



    <type id="border" priority="0" speed="1.39" disallow="all"/>

                <type id="sidewalk" priority="0" speed="4.0" allow="pedestrian"/>

    <type id="driving" priority="1" speed="50.89" allow="pedestrian"/>



Neither are sidewalks imported nor is the non-standard speed or allowance of type driving recognized. In fact it seems as if the file isn’t used at all. However, if I corrupt the edge-type file on purpose, errors are thrown as expected.







PS- sorry if I’m double-posting, I had to change my email address and I think my first attempt to post didn’t go through.

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