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Re: [sumo-user] SSM device output (traffic conflicts)

The conflicts are registered independently for every vehicle equipped with the device. Remember that there may be vehicles without device but which participate in conflicts.

The types result from the vehicle trajectories - in your case there are a leader and a follower vehicle. So yes, these are a single conflict.

Am 15.09.2019 um 03:19 schrieb Usama Shahdah:

I have a question regarding the conflicts generated using the SSM devices in SUMO.

The following table is a sample from the ssm output. there are usually  2 conflicts that will have the same values (except for the conflict type), For example the two conflicts with the begin time "1557.8". these two conflicts have exactly the same values for both TTC and DRAC and do share the same begin/end times. Just the first one is type 3 and the second one is type 2. and we have here the same two vehicles in both conflicts.

I think those two conflicts should be just one conflict. OR should I treat them as two different conflicts? on other words, should I count those situations as one or two conflicts.

By the way this results all over the ssm output file.
Any help will be appreciated.

begin end ego foe time position type TTCvalue time2 position3 type4 DRACvalue
195.8 217.6 flow_1.15 flow_4.55 201.4 612.84,497.68 3 0.48 201 612.20,497.59 3 8.07
196 216.6 flow_4.55 flow_1.15 201.4 612.84,497.68 2 0.48 201 612.20,497.59 2 8.07
290 340.6 flow_2.62 flow_4.85 296.2 613.57,497.79 3 0.54 295.6 612.41,497.62 3 8.04
290.2 340.6 flow_4.85 flow_2.62 296.2 613.57,497.79 2 0.54 295.6 612.41,497.62 2 8.04
1557.8 1575.2 flow_2.368 flow_2.369 1560.2 610.48,470.96 3 1.37 1560.2 610.48,470.96 3 5.23
1557.8 1575.2 flow_2.369 flow_2.368 1560.2 610.48,470.96 2 1.37 1560.2 610.48,470.96 2 5.23
2040.8 2087.6 flow_2.468 flow_2.469 2059.2 610.48,464.68 3 1.05 2042.8 610.48,419.81 3 5.76
2040.8 2087.6 flow_2.469 flow_2.468 2059.2 610.48,464.68 2 1.05 2042.8 610.48,419.81 2 5.76
2381 2401.2 flow_1.224 flow_4.728 2386.4 613.26,497.74 3 0.35 2385.8 611.93,497.45 3 8.94
2381.2 2400.2 flow_4.728 flow_1.224 2386.4 613.26,497.74 2 0.35 2385.8 611.93,497.45 2 8.94
2397.2 2412.2 flow_4.734 flow_1.225 2402.8 613.42,498.18 3 0 2401.6 616.30,498.18 6 5.27
2397 2412.2 flow_1.225 flow_4.734 2402.8 613.42,498.18 2 0 2401.6 616.30,498.18 7 5.27
2674.2 2689 flow_4.804 flow_4.805 2676.6 600.24,498.18 3 1.43 2676.4 600.24,498.18 3 5.22
2676.4 2689 flow_4.805 flow_4.804 2676.6 600.24,498.18 2 1.43 2676.4 600.24,498.18 2 5.22
3113.6 3127.6 flow_4.944 flow_2.720 3119.4 613.64,498.18 3 0 3118.2 616.30,498.18 6 5.32
3113.2 3127.6 flow_2.720 flow_4.944 3119.4 613.64,498.18 2 0 3118.2 616.30,498.18 7 5.32
3303.6 3332.4 flow_2.762 flow_2.763 3306.2 610.48,471.02 3 1.17 3306 610.48,470.96 3 5.65
3303.6 3332.4 flow_2.763 flow_2.762 3306.2 610.48,471.02 2 1.17 3306 610.48,470.96 2 5.65


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