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[sumo-user] Build sub-scenario



I'm trying to build a sub model of a larger scenario but have run into trouble.


I have edited the original net-file with netedit and when I try to reduce the route file to fit the new subnet like this:


python "C:/Program Files (x86)/Eclipse/Sumo/tools/route/" -v C:/temp/SumoInputFiles/ C:/temp/AdditionalsRouteFiles/orgRoutes.rou.xml --routes-output C:/temp/test.rou.xml --orig-net C:/temp/SumoInputFiles/


The output from this command is:


Valid area contains 331 edges

Parsing routes from C:/temp/AdditionalsRouteFiles/orgRoutes.rou.xml

Parsed 0 vehicles and kept 0 routes

Number of disconnected routes: 0. Most frequent missing edges:

Wrote 0 routes


Process finished with exit code 0


The route file (which I suspect might give me problems...) looks like this:



<vTypeDistribution id="vehType1" >

<vType carFollowModel="SmartSK" laneChangeModel="LC2013" id="veh101" lcStrategic="3... />

<vType carFollowModel="SmartSK" laneChangeModel="LC2013" id="veh102" lcStrategic="4.3208" lcCooperative=.../>


<flow id="5" type="vehType1" begin="0.001" end="10200" vehsPerHour="118.6931" from="163[0]" to="448" via="440 313 33.52 34 35 39 326 327 330 179 334 335[1].37.14 " departSpeed="max" departLane="free" />

<flow id="7" type="vehType1" begin="0.001" end="10200" vehsPerHour="104.6109" from="163[0]" to="184.339" via="440 313 33.52 34 35 39 326 327 330 331[1] 336 337 40 41 342 343 346 347 " departSpeed="max" departLane="free" />



What am I doing wrong? Is the route file in a format not accepted by ""? is there an easy way of fixing this?


Regards /Daniel


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