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[sumo-user] How to create TraCI C++ api bindings for C#


I want to create C# bindings for libsumo. By using cmake to build sumo and by providing swig found in SUMOLibraries, libsumo bindings for python and java are created. I want to use libsumo in c# because I want to cut out the socket communication since it is too slow for my application. (note: I am currently using in which I also contributed to) I would like to know how would I go about creating C# bindings. I have researched on SWIG and I have a good understanding on how I would use it for my c/c++ libraries but I would love it if someone could help me to create the bindings for libsumo too.

I have found libsumo.i interface file Swig uses in SUMO_HOME/src/libsumo. This interface is used to create the bindings for Java and python but it could be just as well be used for C#. I have attempted to follow this guide found in stack overflow: but to no avail since I don't know how I can modify the build in order to create the dll (or lib) just for libsumo.

 I would really appreciate your help.

Thank you,

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