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[sumo-user] Unexpected redundancy in output by getControlledLanes()

    I have a simple scenario where two crossroads make a junction for a signal (exactly like one of the example tutorials on SUMO Wiki). The roads are two-way single laned edges. But when I call for getControlledLanes(), I get a list of 8 elements instead of 4 and each lane name was repeated twice, e.g.,

laneList = traci.trafficlight.getControlledLanes("left_sig")

When I print with "print(laneList)" this gives ,

>>>  ('nlls_0', 'nlls_0', 'rsls_0', 'rsls_0', 'slls_0', 'slls_0', 'wls_0', 'wls_0')

Can anything be done to eliminate this redundancy? Thanks in advance.


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