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[sumo-user] Changing vType parameters in flowrouter-generated simulation


I'm trying to iteratively update my driver parameters as part of an optimization. I have used flowrouter to generate route and flow files and so now I wonder, how can I add these parameters?

I tried to add a line at the beginning of the route tag like
<vType id="type1" accel="0.8" decel="4.5" sigma="0.5" length="5" maxSpeed="70"/>

but this does not changing this line doesnt affect the outcome of the simulation at all. I assume this is because no where is it explicitly defined that this vType with id "type1" is to be used.

Since I have my flows and routes seperetly, should I have added this to the flow file and then used  type="type1"?

If so that's okay, but is there no way to "globally" change the parameters of the driver model being used? It would save me parsing and updating millions of lines of xml code.


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