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[sumo-user] Netconvert from .osm file to .net.xml file

when launching this command
"netconvert --osm 2019-01-25-17-37-49/osm_bbox.osm.xml -o"
I get this error messagge and I don't know how to fix it.
"Error: Could not open types-file 'C/Users/Alex/src/sumo-1.0.1/data/typemap/osmNetconvert.typ.xml'.
Quitting (on error)."
I'm on windows 8.1 with "mingwenv".
I've already tryed launching mingwenv with admin permissions and I have also checked that the file osmNetconvert.typ.xml is not in -Read Only-
Maybe I should use an older version of Sumo and not the 1.0.1 version? Thanks

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