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Re: [sumo-user] Modify update interval of vehicle's position

1ms is the minimum time step length of SUMO. Note, that setting --step-length 0.001 makes the simulation take 1000 times as long to compute its result compared to the default step length of 1s.
If you need higher spatical resolution you must interpolate positions in external code. As the geometry detail of the road network is only an approximation of the true road geometry, you would not lose much quality when interpolating on the basis of step length 0.01 or even 0.1


Am Fr., 30. Nov. 2018 um 05:41 Uhr schrieb Charmae Mendoza <charmae_mendoza@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi all,

Good day!

In my simulation, I'm getting the current position of the vehicles through the getCurrentPosition() of the InetMobility module.
However, I'd like to adjust the interval in which the position of the vehicles gets updated. Specifically, I'd like to make it smaller, so that the position gets updated more often.

It seems that one way to do this is to modify the "time step length" parameter in the sumocfg file.
I tried different values, but the simulator does not work for values less than 1ms. What is the minimum "time step length" that SUMO permits?
Also, is it the right method to achieve my goal described above? Or are there better ways to do it?

Thank you in advance for your help. :)

Kind regards,
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