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[sumo-user] Error: unable to open primary document entity typemap.xml In file 'typemap.xml' At line/column 1/0.

Hello to everyone,

I'm trying to create a Real Time Vehicular Traffic Simulation Using SUMO and Openstreetmap,following this tutorial as a guide :

he suggests to write a bunch of commands and I did it exactly like him : (previously I've installed sumo on windows 10 and I've got the same map.osm file that he used :

C:\Users\virtu\OneDrive\Desktop\SUMO>netconvert --osm-files map.osm -o
Warning: Discarding unusable type 'waterway.drain' (first occurence for edge '27994476').
Warning: Discarding unusable type 'railway.proposed' (first occurence for edge '458947098').
Warning: Discarding unusable type '' (first occurence for edge '513335365').
Warning: Discarding unusable type '' (first occurence for edge '519734960').
Warning: No way found for reference '312055529' in relation '4180903'
Warning: No way found for reference '312063815' in relation '4180903'
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '4180903' with unknown from-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '4180903' with unknown to-way.
Warning: No way found for reference '312063817' in relation '4180904'
Warning: No way found for reference '230401919' in relation '4180904'
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '4180904' with unknown from-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '4180904' with unknown to-way.
Warning: No way found for reference '24348100' in relation '4180906'
Warning: No way found for reference '24348100' in relation '4180906'
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '4180906' with unknown from-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '4180906' with unknown to-way.
Warning: No way found for reference '133759700' in relation '4180907'
Warning: No way found for reference '133759700' in relation '4180907'
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '4180907' with unknown from-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '4180907' with unknown to-way.
Warning: No way found for reference '92196679' in relation '4183769'
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '4183769' with unknown from-way.
Warning: No way found for reference '40692569' in relation '7224672'
Warning: No way found for reference '491889866' in relation '7224672'
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '7224672' with unknown from-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '7224672' with unknown to-way.
Warning: No way found for reference '491889866' in relation '7950623'
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '7950623' with unknown to-way.
Warning: No way found for reference '172853382' in relation '8001679'
Warning: No way found for reference '476885790' in relation '8001679'
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '8001679' with unknown from-way.
Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '8001679' with unknown to-way.
Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1473350075'.
Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1481354886'.
Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1481354887'.
Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '417298238'.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 6.99 at the start of edge '-632127188#1'.
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 8.60 at the start of edge '164040895#1'.
Warning: Found angle of 101.86 degrees at edge '469435520', segment 0
Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 6.99 at the end of edge '632127188#1'.
Warning: Shape for junction '1723790759' has distance 34.18 to its given position
Warning: Shape for junction '5968598615' has distance 28.23 to its given position
Warning: The traffic light '1472878937' does not control any links; it will not be build.
Warning: Could not build program '0' for traffic light '1472878937'
Warning: The traffic light '247989224' does not control any links; it will not be build.
Warning: Could not build program '0' for traffic light '247989224'
Warning: The traffic light '266865270' does not control any links; it will not be build.
Warning: Could not build program '0' for traffic light '266865270'
Warning: The traffic light '494271099' does not control any links; it will not be build.
Warning: Could not build program '0' for traffic light '494271099'
Warning: The traffic light '494271106' does not control any links; it will not be build.
Warning: Could not build program '0' for traffic light '494271106'
Warning: The traffic light '618251411' does not control any links; it will not be build.
Warning: Could not build program '0' for traffic light '618251411'
Warning: Speed of straight connection '164040895#0_0->164040895#1_0' reduced by 6.08 due to turning radius of 11.09 (length=13.18 angle=88.40)
Warning: Speed of straight connection '-559801795#0_0->-559801793_0' reduced by 5.87 due to turning radius of 11.68 (length=2.28 angle=26.99)
Warning: Speed of straight connection '160331538_0->380709620_0' reduced by 9.81 due to turning radius of 28.00 (length=11.78 angle=39.83)
Warning: Intersecting left turns at junction '306611889' from lane '27934841#0_0' and lane '-27934841#1_0'. (increase junction radius to avoid this)
Warning: Intersecting left turns at junction '307409022' from lane '310665594_0' and lane '-27994464#0_0'. (increase junction radius to avoid this)
Warning: Speed of straight connection '374906439_0->464465164#2_0' reduced by 11.39 due to turning radius of 21.34 (length=8.14 angle=37.70)
Warning: Speed of straight connection '610101761_0->610101759_0' reduced by 13.08 due to turning radius of 15.18 (length=9.52 angle=52.92)
Warning: Speed of straight connection '610101761_1->610101759_1' reduced by 12.25 due to turning radius of 18.07 (length=11.43 angle=52.92)
Warning: Speed of straight connection '380709620_0->610101762_0' reduced by 8.73 due to turning radius of 33.09 (length=15.13 angle=41.85)

look what happened when I wrote the second command of the list :

C:\Users\virtu\OneDrive\Desktop\SUMO>polyconvert --net-file --osm-files map.osm --type-file typemap.xml -o map.poly.xml
Error: unable to open primary document entity 'C:\Users\virtu\OneDrive\Desktop\SUMO/typemap.xml'
 In file 'typemap.xml'
 At line/column 1/0.

what can I do now ? thanks very much.


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