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Re: [sumo-user] how to use different route files to simulate successfully

Hi Jane,

There are quite a few ways to do this. What we have been doing while working on demand calibration methods is to have a wrap-like functions that do all the estimations, save the OD file, and then run all SUMO procedures from that point on.

We have tested implementations for both Matlab and R and it is quite easy to do in any programming language. As you can understand this might or might not run traci. In our case, we do not use it.

The "secret" to doing everything (that worked for us) is the `system` command. With this we use the SUMO tools and get we need. You can have a look at the code below, which provides the logic and is pretty much the core of running sumo this way:

High level description:

  • First we are creating the OD file
  • then we do time formatting
  • set the seed
  • convert OD2TRIPS
  • RUN trip based sumo
  • Convert output to csv (to make it easier to read in matlab)
  • Read output in Matlab

Matlab important pieces of code (just for guidance, not guaranteed to work as is):

% CREATE the file format to pass from a matrix to an OD
TheBeginText= strcat("$OR;D2 \n* From-Time  To-Time \n",starttime," ", endtime,"\n* Factor \n1.00\n");
Expr = zeros(size(FullOD,1)*size(FullOD,1),3);
Expr = string(Expr);
for i = 1:size(FullOD,1)
    for j = 1:size(FullOD,2)
            Expr(Counter,1) = Zones_masks(i,2);
            Expr(Counter,2) = Zones_masks(j,2);
            Expr(Counter,3) = string(FullOD(i,j));
% SAVE the OD File in the temp location (each file gets a k for the par loop)
fileID = fopen(ma, 'w');
fprintf(fileID,'%s %s %s \n', [Expr(:,1),Expr(:,2),Expr(:,3)]');

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TIME FORMATTING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Start Simulation Times
beginSimTime = integ*60*60 + fract*60;
% End Simulation Times
endSimTime = integ*60*60 + fract*60;

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SEED SETTING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
seedNN =  randi(100000, 1);

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MAC / LINUX OD2TRIPS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    oD2TRIPS = strcat(pathtoSUMOBIN,"od2trips --no-step-log --output-prefix ",num2str(k),...
        " --spread.uniform ",...
        " --taz-files ", pathToNetwork_a,tazname, " -d ", ...
        pathtoCaseOutput,"/",num2str(k),"myODUpdated.txt -o ", ...
        " --seed ", num2str(seedNN));
    [~,~] = system(oD2TRIPS); % [~,~] =  suppresses any console outcome. Not recommended when running first time

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TRIPBASED RUN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

sumoRUN=strcat(pathtoSUMOBIN,"sumo --mesosim --no-step-log --output-prefix ",num2str(k)," -n ",...
            pathToNetwork_a,mesoNet, ...
            " -b ",num2str(beginSimTime),...
            " -e ",num2str(endSimTime+500),...
            " --load-state ",pathtoCaseOutput,"/",num2str(iter-1),"state.xml" , ...
            " --save-state.times ", num2str(endSimTime), ...
            " --save-state.files ", pathtoCaseOutput,"/",num2str(iter),"state.xml", ...
            " -r ", pathtoCaseOutput,"/", num2str(k), "upd_ODTrips.trips.xml",...
            " --additional-files ", pathtoCaseOutput,"/", additionalName,...
            "  --xml-validation never",...
            " --device.rerouting.probability ",string(rerouteProb),...
            " --seed ",  num2str(seedNN));
        [~,~] =  system(sumoRUN);  % [~,~] =  suppresses any console outcome. Not recommended when running first time

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Read Output %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Data2csv = strcat("python ", pathToSUMOtools,"/tools/xml/",...
    " ", pathtoCaseOutput,'/' ,loopDataName , " -o ", pathtoCaseOutput,'/' , loopDataName,".csv",...
    " -x ", pathToSUMOtools,'data/xsd/det_e1meso_file.xsd');

newStr = strrep(pathtoCaseOutput,"\","");
mDir = char(newStr);
simulated_tripsInTable = readtable(KKname);
simulated_tripsInTable(simulated_tripsInTable.interval_end>endSimTime+1,:) =[];

% The final step is to aggregate the counts per link (so that we do can
% estimate per link flow and not per lane).
newStr = split(mm,'_');
myEdges = newStr(:,2);
simulated_tripsInTable.EdgeID = myEdges;
G = findgroups(simulated_tripsInTable.EdgeID);

AllPeriodEdgesFlows = unique(myEdges);
AllPeriodEdgesFlows(:,2) = num2cell(splitapply(@sum,simulated_tripsInTable.interval_entered,G));

I hope this helps!



Chaniotakis Manos (Emmanouil)
Technical University of Munich
Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering
Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering
e:mail: m.chaniotakis@xxxxxx
Tel: +49 89 28910461
On 29/10/2018 16:07, Jane Cheung wrote:
Hi guys, there is one problem that  I would like to listen to your suggestion. Appreciated in advance!

The thing is that  how to simulate  different scenarios, one by one. It does not need to click the renewed configuration. In other would, the route files or other files could be generated automatically and the new .sumocfg could be generated. 

There is an original configuration in my file and run it, the interested variables (like the mean travel time in one edge) in the whole solution duration could be got .Then,  other options would be done (by some TRACI or some other methods) to modify the  route files or related files and the renewed one could be generated (like the density is increasing or the width of the edges is becoming larger or some others) by TRACI , then, call the SUMO  command line again, run the .sumocfg again. Repeat the simulation again and again to the get the  changing trend of variable you are interested in. 

Simplely, could some options be called to renew the route.xml  automatically?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards!


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