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[sumo-user] Unknown Road Types and Quitting (on error) for Shapefile import

I have two problems on a shapefile import. Using this command

netconvert -v -H -o oaklandfullnet.xml --output.street-names true --shapefile-prefix alameda-county-oakland-roads-full-wgs84 --shapefile.street-id edge_id --shapefile.type-id highway --shapefile.speed speedkm --tls.guess-signals true --ramps.guess true

the script pushes all the way through to what appears the end, with output like this:



 Node type statistics:

  Unregulated junctions       : 0

  Dead-end junctions          : 27477

  Priority junctions          : 23681

  Right-before-left junctions : 0

 Network boundaries:

  Original boundary  : -122.36,37.45,-121.49,37.91

  Applied offset     : -557198.47,-4145790.89

  Converted boundary : 0.00,0.00,75810.61,49655.58


Quitting (on error).

If I go back up to the node/edge loading, I see a warning for every single edge about the road type. Something like:

Warning: Unknown type 'motorway' for edge 'Nimitz_Freeway'

I'm using modified OSM data, so the road types already match up with the types in  

osmNetconvert.typ.xml. How do I ensure that the edges are loading the proper type?

Despite those warnings, the script presses on, and seems to finish the import and then project properly:


 Import done:

   196570 nodes loaded.

   38058 edges loaded.

Proj projection parameters used: '+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs'.

However, later on, I finally see an error message, and I suspect this is what is keeping the network from generating properly.

Guessing and setting on-/off-ramps... 

Error: Ups - could not build on-ramp for edge '146495'!

Error: Ups - could not build off-ramp for edge '5724'!

done (113ms).

So, are these the errors that are preventing the network from generating? How might I go about debugging this?



Brian F. Naess
GIS Analyst and Lecturer, Institute for the Environment
UNC-Chapel Hill
Whitehead 304, CB 1105
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1105
P: 919-966-9925 |

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