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Re: [sumo-user] use State Plain Coordinates to move vehicle (MoveToXY)

when converting lon, lat to network coordinates, leave out the rawUTM=True.
moveToXY requires the shifted positions rather than raw UTM.
x2, y2 = net.convertLonLat2XY(lon, lat)

Am Di., 9. Okt. 2018 um 08:03 Uhr schrieb Gama Lins de Araujo, Thais <thais.gama@xxxxxx>:

Hello Mr Jakob,

I am sorry to bother again, but I replaced the line of code I had with the one you provided, and the simulation looks just the same. The vehicle drives by the side of the road the whole time, and it also seems not to have the right angle. This is how my code looks like now:

x,y = df_dropped_1st_veh_instance['Local_X'].iloc[k], df_dropped_1st_veh_instance['Local_Y'].iloc[k]
lon, lat = net.convertXY2LonLat(x * 0.3048, y * 0.3048, True)
x2, y2 = net.convertLonLat2XY(lon, lat, rawUTM=True)
traci.vehicle.moveToXY(traci_veh, '', 0, x2, y2, angle, 2)
for the angle I used INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE and transformed it to radians.
Here is a sample of the data I have:
       Local_X   Local_Y     Global_X     Global_Y
0       16.467    35.381  6451137.641  1873344.962
1       16.447    39.381  6451140.329  1873342.000
2       16.426    43.381  6451143.018  1873339.038
3       16.405    47.380  6451145.706  1873336.077
4       16.385    51.381  6451148.395  1873333.115
5       16.364    55.381  6451151.084  1873330.153
6       16.344    59.381  6451153.772  1873327.192
7       16.323    63.379  6451156.461  1873324.230

Thank you in advance,

Thais Gama

Von: Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx>
Gesendet: Montag, 8. Oktober 2018 12:51
An: Gama Lins de Araujo, Thais; Sumo project User discussions
Cc: sumo-user
Betreff: Re: [sumo-user] use State Plain Coordinates to move vehicle (MoveToXY)
the position conversion functions provided by traci and libsumo only support the projection embedded in the .net.xml file. In case of an OSM import this means it will always transform between meters and WGS84 lon,lat.

Since NAD83 and WGS84 are within 1m of each other, you could use
net.convertXY2LonLat(x_feet * 0,3048, y_feet * 0,3048, True)
(The third argument is for using raw UTM values instead adding the network offset)


Am Mo., 8. Okt. 2018 um 12:24 Uhr schrieb Gama Lins de Araujo, Thais via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hello Mr. Behrisch<> / Erdmann<>,

I would like to know if there is a way in SUMO that I can directly use CA State Plane NAD83 coordinate in feet to move vehicles in a network with the moveToXY command, or do I need to do any transformations before hand?

When I use this piece of code (I got from I seem to get reasonable results for latitude and longitude, but the x and y resulting from conversion are not matching the network. When I run this code:

x,y = df_dropped_1st_veh_instance['Local_X'].iloc[k], df_dropped_1st_veh_instance['Local_Y'].iloc[k]
#x, y = traci.vehicle.getPosition(traci_veh)
lon, lat = traci.simulation.convertGeo(x, y)
x2, y2 = traci.simulation.convertGeo(lon, lat, fromGeo=True)
#x, y = net.convertLonLatXY(lon, lat)
print 'x=%4.6f y=%4.6f' % (x2, y2)

the vehicle drives off the road network the whole time. In this case I am using the local coordinates (Local_X and Local_Y) which are described as: "Lateral (X) coordinate of the front center of the vehicle with respect to the left-most edge of the section in the direction of travel". When I use the Global coordinates (Global_X and Global_Y) my vehicle will just stand outside the network for the whole time, and those are the actual geo coordinates, described as such: "CA State Plane NAD83 coordinate".

i know my network is in datum=WGS84, by the information given in the network xml file, and that it is shifted by the netOffset parameter.

I wonder if that might be the problem?

<location netOffset="-561583.51,-4188054.44" convBoundary="205.71,83.75,327.03,729.01" origBoundary="-122.300034,37.837827,-122.295689,37.846489" projParameter="+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"/>

PS.: i need high accuracy and precision, the vehicles should move exactly according to my coordinates, provided in the data I have. The data is very big (more than 1Gb), so I am sending only a subset of it, which refers to one car only. And also my code and files to run the simulation, in case those are needed.

Thank you in advance for your help,

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