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[sumo-user] NETEDIT background images 2^x ?


on the wiki, here, it is stated that background images "should have in both directions (height and width) a size which is equal to 2^x.".

I am wondering: is this also and still the case in NETEDIT (version 0.32.0)? I am asking because it also states SUMO-GUI may load .bmp and .gif files, but I've had good results using .png files.

A thing I have noticed when using background images: after setting the name of the file to be used (I typically put the .png file in the same place as the .net.xml file, and then enter just the file name of the image, without the path), I have to close and re-open the network in NETEDIT for the image to be displayed. Is this normal, or am I doing something wrong?

Another thing: it would be great to be able to edit the image within NETEDIT, ie. have a bounding box, and drag the image, and set it's size, preferably while maintaining aspect ratio. Is this a feature that is planned for a future release? As it is now, I have to calculate the pixels per meter, and then the actual size the picture represents by hand. Moving the picture to a location after the network has been (partly) drawn is also somewhat tricky. Being able to edit those attributes within the network UI would be very handy.

Thanks, greets!


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