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[sumo-user] rerouteTravelTime


I am having problems using the command rerouteTravelTime since it slows down massively my simulation. I have to change the target of a vehicle using TraCI but before it reaches the target I want to make it pass via an intermediate edge where it has to make a quick stop. Initially for some reason I don’t know the command setVia did not work but I noticed that using the command rerouteTravelTime at the same instant, the line immediately after setVia the command was effective. Now, since this reroute calculation is really affecting the performance of my simulation I tried to comment it in order to see what happens without it. I notice that apparently and in a small scenario nothing changes so I would like to ask you: is the use of this command necessary when I want to set a via edge? What is the difference I get in the output if I don’t use this command considering that the command is used at the same timestep in which the new target and the via are set?


Thank you very much

Stefano Niero

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