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[sumo-user] Problems with Truck Platoon using Simpla in SUMO

Hi SUMO team,
I have created a scenario of platoon 3 trucks along with some passenger cars. Everything seems to be running fine except I believe that the platoon is not being enforced. some of the platooned trucks change lanes individually which is not supposed to happen in a platoon. Also, the 3 platooned trucks are driving at the edge speed which is set by the imported map from OSM. When I try to set the platooned trucks max speed to something less than the edge speed, they still run at the edge speed.

This is the Simpla python script I used for enforcing Platoon -

import os, sys
if 'SUMO_HOME' in os.environ:
 tools = os.path.join(os.environ['SUMO_HOME'], 'tools')
 sys.exit("please declare environment variable 'SUMO_HOME'")

sumoBinary = "C:/Program Files (x86)/DLR/Sumo/bin/sumo-gui.exe"
sumoCmd = [sumoBinary, "-c", "C:/Users/OSMAN/Documents/SumoI269/myconfigfile.sumocfg"]
# sumoCmd = [sumoBinary, "-c", "C:/sumo/bin/example/random/config.sumocfg"]

import traci
import simpla

step = 0
# while traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0:
#  traci.simulationStep()
while step < 5000:
   step += 1

Below is the configuration I used  for Simpla-
    <vTypeMap original="Original_connect" leader="Leader_connect" follower="Follower_connect" catchup="Catchup_connect" catchupFollower="CatchupFollower_connect" />
    <vehicleSelectors value="connect" />
<maxPlatoonGap value="2.0" />

Below is the SUMO configuration-
<net-file value=""/>
<route-files value="pass.rou.xml"/>
<begin value="0"/>
<end value="5000"/>

Please let me know your feedback on the configuration I provided and 
What have I done wrong, can you help ensuring platooning is actually enforced and working?


Vrinda Khirwadkar

University of Memphis

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