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[sumo-user] Loaded vs Departed Vehicles

 I would like to ask what exactly are loaded vehicles?
From my understanding loaded vehicles are vehicles that exist in the simulation until it ends.
 Can I subscribe to a loaded vehicle that has yet to be departed?
In getDepartedIds do I get the ids of vehicles that have just entered the simulation (just started their jurney) or I also get vehicles that already existed from previous steps?

Also in python I use getSubscriptionResults() but it doesn't return me a dict like it says in the python
 (example on how I use it)
 import traci

 traci.start(sumoCmd, numRetries=2, port=2500 ,label="default")
 vehicleCommands = traci._vehicle.VehicleDomain()
 vehicleCommands._connection  = traci.getConnection(label="default")

 vehDict = vehicleCommands.getSubscriptionResults(vehId)
 ^ this is not a dictionary as it says in the docs.

Thank you!

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