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[sumo-user] dealing with bicycles in routes

Dear SUMO-users,


I have another issue.


As many will probably know we have a lot of cycle paths in Holland, also around traffic controlled intersections. I made special edges fort he cyclists which allow only bicycles. This results in het net-file in red bicycle paths around the intersection, which is perfect.


I then made flows in the route-file with bicycle flows of every quarter within a day, just like I did with motorized vehicle. But the I get errors running duarouter with the message the connection can’t be found.


I found the solution for this. When I allow not only bicycles but also passenger (cars), it works. This is workable, but not completely right in my opinion. The main thing now is the bicycle paths aren’t colored red anymore. Also when I change the net-file afterwards, I get error messages from the route-file. So it isn’t possible to make route-trips when the edge doesn’t allow passengers? Is there another solution to color edges?


Met vriendelijke groet,

Martin Barto
Senior Verkeerskundige


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