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[sumo-user] TraCI Message Flow


I have another question about TraCI.

Lets say I want to control one car of the simulation with the TraCI function simulationStep(). This is going to be veh 1.
With a for loop and the getDepartedIDList() function I check when veh1 enters the simulation. When I does enter the simulation I use vehicle.getPosition() function to get the coordinates (x1,y1).
After that I will calculate the new position (x2,y2) and use the vehicle.moveToXY() function to set the new Position of the vehicle. Than I am going to request one simulationStep().

When will the vehicle_moveToXY() function be performed? During the time step so that veh1 changes its state at the same time as every other vehicle and the other vehicles are going to react on the new state of veh1 in the next simulation step?
Or is the vehicle.moveToXY() request performed right bevor the simulation step and the other vehicles of the simulation already react on the new vehicle state?

I hope my description is not to confusing.
Thanks for all answers.


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