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[sumo-user] Help with findIntermodalRoute() results.

Dear All,

I need some help in using the results from findIntermodalRoute().

For esample, if I request a route from edge -899#1 to edge 1240#0 with departure time at 25158
using mode "car" and vType "ptw", I get the following answer:
	Stage(stageType=2, line='', destStop='', edges=['-899#1', '-754#1', '-754#0', '1495#1',
	'-709', '-728', '-741#8', '-741#7', '-741#6', '-741#5', '-741#4', '-741#3', '-741#2',
	'-741#1'], travelTime=76.06800160656074, cost=76.06800160656074, intended='', depart=-1.0),

	Stage(stageType=2, line='', destStop='', edges=['-741#1', '1238', '1240#1', '1240#0'],
	travelTime=89.71725574789714, cost=89.71725574789714, intended='', depart=-1.0)

Is there a way to identify the stage (given that is always stageType=2)? 
I suppose that the first stage is the "ptw" part and the second one is "walk" mode. But what if I
have multiple one? Or if they are inverted? The only one I manage to concatenate is the walk ->
public -> walk kind of solutions, because I have something in the "line" value.

But in case such as this?
	Stage(stageType=2, line='M5:Ramingao', destStop='155477', edges=['-887', '-476', '-1296#1',
'-925#0'], travelTime=576.9962213635029, cost=576.9962213635029, intended='bus_M5:Ramingao.5',
	Stage(stageType=2, line='100:Nice', destStop='155391', edges=['-925#0', '862#0',
'862#1', '-1255#4', '-1255#3', '-1255#2', '-1255#1', '505#0', '-530#0', '629#1', '747', '-748#2'],
travelTime=805.191085924673, cost=805.191085924673, intended='bus_100:Nice.5', depart=25859.0),
	Stage(stageType=2, line='', destStop='', edges=['-748#2', '889#3', '889#4', '706',
'745#0', '745#1', '745#2', '745#3', '745#4', '296', '716#0', '-330#0'],
travelTime=356.9482250793596, cost=356.9482250793596, intended='', depart=-1.0)

Should there be a walk stage before the first stop and another walk stage between the two buses?

I'm trying to match these stages to some sort of
<person id="XX" depart="...">
        <walk edges="..." busStop="..."/>
        <ride busStop="155477" lines="M5:Ramingao" intended="bus_M5:Ramingao.5" depart="24444.0"/>
        <walk edges="..." busStop="..."/>
        <ride busStop="155401" lines="100:Nice" intended="bus_100:Nice.5" depart="25859.0"/>
        <walk edges="-748#2 889#3 889#4 706 745#0 745#1 745#2 745#3 745#4 296 716#0 -330#0"/>
but there should be a way to consistently understand what the solution mean.

I'm trying to create good person trips without using duarouter in order to optimize and make them
more complex, but at the moment SUMO does not agree with my decisions.


Tel :

Campus SophiaTech

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