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[sumo-user] SUMO Windows Build

I have been trying to build SUMO on my pc which is a DELL 64bit with Windows 10 installed. I had many problems in building the program. I want to build the 64bit version using Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. I used the prj file contained in build\msvc17 then. At first I had problems in finding the files contained in the fox/include library, I solved this problem by copying them in the src folder. Secondly the program kept on giving me Link errors because it would not find the library: xerces-c-3.2.0-win64\lib\xerces-c_3D.lib. I did not provide in the config.props any value for the 32bit libraries but in one of the several attempts I made, this link problem disappeared when I introduced also the value of the 32bit libraries, in this case the program is built without error (although with 250 warnings) but once I launch or debug the application the error that appears is the following:
The program '[8428] duarouterD.exe' has exited with code -1073741701 (0xc000007b).
Whose code suggests architecture incompatibility. What should I do?
Moreover SUMO wiki server is not working so I cannot access it.

Thank you very much for the attention
Stefano Niero
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