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[sumo-user] TraCI findRoute errors

Dear All,

I'm trying to use "findRoute" from a python script using TraCI.

I need to see if there is a route between two edges for a specific vType.

I'm loading a simulation using traci.start(['sumo', '-c', 'sim.sumocfg']) and then, I call
traci.simulation.findRoute(from_edge, to_edge, vtype=vType) in order to find it.

I solved the "Error"
Warning: No connection between edge '218' and edge '-372' found.
by adding <ignore-route-errors value="true"/> to the configuration file.

Unfortunately I'm not able to handle the following one:
Error: Vehicle '' is not allowed to depart on any lane of its first edge.

I tried with a try-except, but given that the error is on the SUMO side, this approach is useless.

I need to know if the route is possible, and in case is not, change edges. I'm using this to
implement a mobility generator. Can I do it with findRoute and findIntermodalRoute or is not

I'm using:
- Debian Unstable/Experimental
- Eclipse SUMO Version b2f76e2749
 	Build features: Linux-4.16.0-1-amd64 Proj GUI GDAL FFmpeg OSG GL2PS SWIG

Thanks in advance.


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Campus SophiaTech

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