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[sumo-user] Smart Street Lighting System

Hello, I am implementing a project (Dynamic Street Lighting system) in SUMO in which I need to change the color of the lamp(POI) when a  vehicle is detected in it's vicinity. How do I do so?

 Also, I am trying to retrieve values of the vehicles from the simulation but I am not getting any result. I have randomly generated vehicles in a *.rou.xml file* (using Python) 
In the Python code In *traci.start()* I have added my sumocfg file in which the route file has been given as input tag and in ** i have added the *.net.xml* file still vehicles' values are not retrieved for traci.vehicle.IDList() but it is working for traci.poi.getColor. Why is this so? 
I have attached my code below 

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import struct
import os
import sys
import optparse
import subprocess
import random
import warnings

# we need to import python modules from the $SUMO_HOME/tools directory
        __file__), '..', '..', '..', '..', "tools"))  # tutorial in tests
    sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ.get("SUMO_HOME", os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..")), "tools"))  # tutorial in docs
    from sumolib import checkBinary  # noqa
    import randomTrips
except ImportError:
        "please declare environment variable 'SUMO_HOME'")

import traci
import sumolib

def generate_routefile():
    random.seed(42)  # make tests reproducible
    N = 200  # number of time steps
    # demand per second from different directions
    pWE = 1. / 10
    pEW = 1. / 11
##    pNS = 1. / 30
    with open("tp.rou.xml", "w") as routes:
        <vType id="Car" accel="1.0" decel="5.0" sigma="0" length="5.0" minGap="2.0" maxSpeed="50.0"/>

        <route id="route0" edges="2to1"/>
        <route id="route1" edges="1to2"/>""", file=routes)
        lastVeh = 0
        vehNr = 0
        for i in range(N):
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < pWE:
                print('    <vehicle id="right_%i" type="Car" route="route1" depart="%i" />' % (
                    vehNr, i), file=routes)
                vehNr += 1
                lastVeh = i
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < pEW:
                print('    <vehicle id="left_%i" type="Car" route="route0" depart="%i" />' % (
                    vehNr, i), file=routes)
                vehNr += 1
                lastVeh = i

        print("</routes>", file=routes)

def run():

    while traci.simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() > 0:


    vehicles = traci.simulation.getDepartedIDList()
    print("ID of vehicles are:")
    for i in range(len(vehicles)):

    print(traci.vehicle.getSpeed("left_0")) #error vehicle not known


def get_options():
    optParser = optparse.OptionParser()
    optParser.add_option("--nogui", action="">
                         default=False, help="run the commandline version of sumo")
    options, args = optParser.parse_args()
    return options

    # this is the main entry point of this script
if __name__ == "__main__":
    options = get_options()

    # this script has been called from the command line. It will start sumo as a
    # server, then connect and run
    if options.nogui:
        sumoBinary = checkBinary('sumo')
        sumoBinary = checkBinary('sumo-gui')


    net = ''[checkBinary('netconvert'),
                     '-c', '',
                     '--output-file', net])

        '--net-file', net]))


    traci.start([sumoBinary, "-c", "tp.sumocfg",
                             "--tripinfo-output", "tripinfo.xml"])

Also how should i approach the detection of vehicle under the POI's vicinity?

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