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[sumo-user] 答复: change lane more naturally

Thanks your answer,😊


And I find another interesting phenomenon


When I set lateral-resolution in sumocfg xml file,

1.      traci.vehicle.changlane doesn’t work. Traci.vehicle.changesublane work fine


2.         And after I use traci.vehicle.setlangechangmode(vid, 0) or any other mode even if default mode(579), then traci.vehicle.changesublane doesn’t work


hope for your reply


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发件人: Laura Bieker
发送时间: 2018125 15:25
收件人: Sumo project User discussions
主题: Re: [sumo-user] change lane more naturally



for a more continous lane changing behaviour you can use the sublane model ( or you can change the duration of the lane change (this is decribed in detail here: ).

Best regards,



2018-01-24 15:23 GMT+01:00 杜 伟强 <ishadowprince@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hello :

       I find that vehicles lane change behavior is not naturally.

       it just jump from one lane to another lane

       so, is there any way make sumos lane change more naturally or continuous


       if sumo cant do this, how to let another vehicle know that a vehicle infront of it will change lane ?


thank you so much


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