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Re: [sumo-user] Traci: rerouting pedestrians


assuming the person is currently walking on edge A and there are no further stages after this, do the following:
- append a new walking stage with edges A,B
- removeStage(0)  (this will put the person into the new walking stage)
- rerouteTravelTime


2017-12-22 0:32 GMT+01:00 Xavier Paul Lister Lavenir <xlavenir@xxxxxxx>:



I have another question regarding modelling Persons and TraCI.


I am attempting to reroute pedestrians/persons in a network using TraCI. Consider the person currently being on edge “A” and I want to re-route it to edge “B” – is there a way to reroute the person from A to B without knowing the edges the person must traverse to get from A to B?


Currently, when I add a new walking stage (“traci.person.appendWalkingStage”), I simply add [B] as the edges parameter but this doesn’t reroute the person but rather teleports it to the start of edge B. I tried to use “traci.person.reroteTraveltime” since this says that it reroutes the pedestrian, however I get an error saying that the pedestrian is not in a “walking stage” – and rerouting after 1 time step is too late since it immediately moves it to edge B.


Many thanks,


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