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Re: [sumo-user] OSM, netconvert and public transports.

Hi Lara,

you can find the responsible file in the SUMO source at src/netimport/NIImporter_OpenStreetMap.cpp. The OSM tags can be found in the methods of the EdgesHandler and the NodeHandler but seem not to be summarized anywhere. Some examples related to public transport I've found in a short time:

line 697 and further (NIImporter_OpenStreetMap::NodesHandler::myStartElement):

        if (key == "highway" || key == "ele" || key == "crossing" || key == "railway" || key == "public_transport"
                || key == "name" || key == "train" || key == "bus" || key == "tram" || key == "light_rail" || key == "subway" || key == "station")


Am 21.11.2017 um 14:28 schrieb Lara CODECA:
Dear All,

I built an OSM-like topology and I'm trying to use netconvert (with ptstop and ptline) to extract the public transports.
I thought I included all the relations/ways/nodes required, but the files are empty.

Can someone point me to the OSM tags that netconvert looks for in order to build/extract the public transports, so I can build my OSM-like topology in the right way?

Best Regards,

On 04/10/17 15:27, Lara CODECA wrote:
Dear All,

I'm building a mobility scenario from an OSM-like topology and I have various issues here and there.

1) walking areas
I'm building a scenario for pedestrian too, but if I use the options "sidewalks.guess", "crossings.guess", and "walkingareas", the resulting netfile has many of the connection tagged "walkingarea" broken (I't duarouter that points it out). Is there something that I'm missing or is it "normal" and I have to fix them by hand?

2) od2trips, zones, and vTypes
the taz are defined with a name and a list(string) of edges (all edges can be start and sink with the same probability), but in the same edge, I may have different allowed vehicles depending on the lane.
At the moment I have one complete zones definition that ignores the allowed vTypes, but when I use it with od2trips, the flows file and the trips file are both kind of unusable by duarouter or sumo. If I use taz and flows, duarouter gives me only the starting edge and it does not compute the full route, and sumo uses only one starting point for each taz. If I use the trips with duarouter, too many of them are broken because the (origins) destinations are unreachable (due to the vehicles not allowed on the edge)
Is there a simple solution for this issue? Am I using the tools in the wrong way? (probably yes)
Do I have to write different taz based on the vTypes allowed? Remember: in the same edge, I may have different allowed vehicles depending on the lane.
The last resource is to implement my own od2trips that uses only the right edges, hoping that duarouter (that is able to read my vTypes definitions) will compute the right route.

There are too many big files involved and I cannot share them on this mailing list.
In case of need, I can privately share the repo.

Thank you in advance for the help.


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