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Re: [sumo-dev] Contribution Suggestions SUMO

contributions to SUMO are always welcome.
The recommended  area of contribution depends on your previous knowledge (i.e. programming in C++ or python), your level of experience with SUMO and the time you wish to invest.
An ideal (code) contribution cycle looks like this:
- ensure that you meet the requirements for code contribution (
- select an existing issue to work on from our issue tracker or propose a new issue (
  - another good issue filter might be
- consult with the developers if you are unsure about the intended enhancement or bug
- create example inputs / failing test cases
- write code that makes those examples succeed
- learn how to run our test suite ( and ensure that your changes are compatible with existing tests
- create a pull request and wait for it to be reviewed / merged


Am So., 16. Jan. 2022 um 14:41 Uhr schrieb Sabri Bektas <sabri.bektas@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Dear SUMO Developers,

as a part of the lecture Simulation Software Engineering (at the University of Stuttgart) I would like to contribute something to SUMO.  I am pursuing a master's degree in informatics.
The goal of the aforementioned lecture is to contribute to an open source project as part of a personal challenge, in order to go through a whole contribution cycle "in real life" and complete all phases. The focus of this contribution is on learning how to work on a larger project. Consequently, it does not necessarily need to be on a scientific topic, e.g. implementing a tutorial or fixing bugs, but can also be a task like writing something for the documentation or homepage etc.
Since I don't just want to e.g. fix some typos, I am open to suggestions in order to contribute something useful to SUMO.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Sabri Bektas
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