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Re: [sumo-dev] SUMO and new ubuntu 21.04

Hi Harald,
doesn't it work with swig4 as well?

Best regards,

Am 25.04.21 um 14:58 schrieb Harald Schaefer:
Hi Michael,

thanks for your answer. I think it was a local problem in my installation. The sources are on a ntfs partition, which gave with the wrong mount options problems in copying the temporarily created C/C++ files as shown in ./CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log

Now it works, i have for a complete build to install swig3.0 (now there is also swig4.0) and maven, these should be mentioned in the doc

Greetings, Harald

Am 25.04.21 um 10:56 schrieb Michael Behrisch:
Hi Harald,
I can confirm the gtest problem but xerces seems to work. For a
successful build log with 1.9.0 see here:

Can you check whether your build works with the released 1.9?

Best regards,

Am 23.04.21 um 21:51 schrieb Harald Schaefer:

it seems, that there are some problems with SUMO and this new

I have installed libgtest-dev and libxerces-c-dev, but cmake does not
recognize them

cmake ../..
-- CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR: /dosd/src/opensource/Sumo/sumo-git-co/sumo
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