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[sumo-dev] Regrading understanding of KraussOrig1

I am currently studying the implementation of KraussOrig1 model. Sir, I have a few questions about it.

1. I don't understand the macros ACCEL2SPEED, SPEED2ACCEL, DIST2SPEED.

2. I don't completely understand the following function, their implementation, and use.
     2.1 double MSCFModel::maximumSafeFollowSpeed(double gap, double egoSpeed, double predSpeed, double predMaxDecel, bool onInsertion)
     2.2 double MSCFModel::maximumSafeStopSpeed(double g /*gap*/, double v /*currentSpeed*/, bool onInsertion, double headway) 
     2.3 double MSCFModel::brakeGap(const double speed, const double decel, const double headwayTime)

Can you please guide me through this?

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