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Re: [sumo-dev] Person MoveToXY

moveToXY for persons is not yet fully implemented. See
There was a discussion on the mailing list recently with ideas on how to fix this. (I didn't yet find the time).


Am Mi., 4. März 2020 um 19:15 Uhr schrieb up201403060 <up201403060@xxxxxxxx>:
Good Evening,

In a project I am currently developing, I want to freely control a
Person position in the network.
I am using TraCI in python to control this subject, while the user
controls the subject through Unity.
The objective is to have other pedestrians and vehicles to interact with
said subject.

Currently I am able to create and control a subject using the function
traci.person.moveToXY(self, vehID, edgeID, lane, x, y,
angle=tc.INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE, keepRoute=1)
The problem is that when I try to make the subject enter a walking area
it glitches and the simulation crashes when keepRoute is set to 0, 1, 2
or 4.
When keepRoute = 3, the subject goes around the walking area until it
reaches the other edge, but never enters it.
Is there a way to freely control a person and keep all the interactions
with vehicles and other pedestrians?

A simplified version of the python code I use can be found here:

Thank you for your attention,
Daniel Garrido
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