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Re: [stp-dev] Inactive committers - please state your preference

Hi Oisin,

I really would have time to be more active but I think I could not before this summer. Besides, now you know the code better than me and if you need you can always send me an e-mail. I enjoyed working on this project but I'll tell you if later I find more time to be more involved.

Best regards,


Oisin Hurley a écrit :
Hi all,
Once again over the coming short while I will be emailing individual
committers to ascertain their intention of remaining active, or of
relinquishing their commit rights (which of course can be restored
via the usual manner).

I will be reminding individuals that an _active_ committer also
takes part in _community_votes_. They're not just about code and
documentation. Please see the committer guidelines at [0].

What you will receive from me is a standardized email, so please
don't feel affronted - there are a lot of committers and I don't
have the resources to send you an individually crafted missive!

You will have one week from the sending of the email to reply
with an assertion of future activity. After that time I will mark
non-respondants as 'inactive'. Email bounces will also be marked
as 'inactive'. If you are holidays and get inactivated, let me
know and I will fix the situation promptly.

If you do not receive an email from me in the next day, then you
not currently a candidate for activity assessment. The nature of
your activity in the project is computed, automatically, using
Eclipse foundation analysis. If you think you have received an
assessment in error, then please get in touch with me - software
has been known to make the odd mistake!

 best regards


IONA Technologies PLC (registered in Ireland)
Registered Number: 171387
Registered Address: The IONA Building, Shelbourne Road, Dublin 4, Ireland
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