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RE: [stp-dev] issues with... navigation in the help

I'm having another think about this. 

Looking at other projects - EMF, for example - it looks like there are
top level Help TOC entries for each sub-project. So perhaps we should do
the same.

Also, if we need to allow users to download individual sub-projects,
this architecture for the help is unsustainable.

I've created this bug:

-----Original Message-----
From: stp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:stp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Porter, David
Sent: 22 May 2008 11:45
To: STP Dev list
Subject: RE: [stp-dev] issues with... navigation in the help

The way I have set up the help is to include doc plugins for the
sub-projects "inside" the parent org.eclipse.stp.doc plugin.

So to ensure that the help displays correctly, you need to install the and org.eclipse.stp.eid.doc plugins too.

I designed it this way because, I thought users would be installing the
entire STP project, not individual subprojects. 

-----Original Message-----
From: stp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:stp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Maxime Porhel
Sent: 22 May 2008 11:17
To: stp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [stp-dev] issues with... navigation in the help

Hi all,

Bug 233414 has been raised

I have some issues with the " SOA Tools Platform Developer Guide " entry
of the help :
    I have only the SCA Composite Editor and the org.eclipse.stp.doc
plugin (in order to the SOA entry in the help)
    The navigation fails between the tree menu and the requested help
page : It fails only in the Help Content (Help>HelpContents) and not in
the Help view...
                 - in the menu I can see a single section : /Working
with SCA..../
                 - when I click on /Working with SCA/, the displayed
help page is "/Creating Web services with JAX-WS/"
                 - when I click on /Tutorials, /the displayed help page
is an http error 500 page :
                                        HTTP ERROR: 500
                                        /Powered by Jetty://
    I think it comes from the fact that I don't have the SC and EID
plugins, but the table of content file (toc.xml) of stp.doc
    contains entries towards the doc of thes plugins.

Maxime Porhel
stp-dev mailing list

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