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[stp-dev] Fwd: [cross-project-issues-dev] Ganymede Release Review Slides :: What is a Mini-Deck?

Some guidance on the slides - in terms of size etc. This
looks like a copy of a chat between Bjorn and Nick.

Begin forwarded message:
From: Nick Boldt <codeslave@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 16 May 2008 17:25:49 IST
To: Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] Ganymede Release Review Slides :: What is a Mini-Deck?
Reply-To: Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

You may have heard the term "Mini-Deck" (or "Talking Points") recently in the context of creating your Ganymede Release Review Slide Deck.

If you've no idea what this is, see below.

(2008-05-16 11:34:43) Nick: is there a document describing what needs to be in a "mini-deck" vs. a "release review slide deck?"

(2008-05-16 11:35:12) Bjorn: Mini-deck: one or two (or three slides) highlight how great your project is (2008-05-16 11:35:43) Bjorn: The idea is that with 30 projects, we'll make one "summary of the release" deck with 1 or 2 slides per project. Not "archive quality" but more advertisement. (2008-05-16 11:37:23) Bjorn: look at the "one minute slides" from last year:

(2008-05-16 11:56:55) Nick: are these minideck slides to be attached to the decks submitted on June 4? (2008-05-16 11:57:56) Nick: would the minideck + "supporting slides / appendix" idea work, in that all the longer stuff would just be at the back in case people actually read that far?

(2008-05-16 11:58:09) Bjorn: exactly


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