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[stp-dev] JWT project : Successful creation review & Kickoff meeting

Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to forward the following annoucement about the JWT project to you ... Please note that the Telco/Webex kickoff project should take place on next February 5th (TBC).

Best Regards,

The JWT team is pleased to announce that the Java Workflow Toolbox project has successfully passed the Eclipse creation review !

This significant step occured on wednesday the 17th in a very nice atmosphere and was attended by with both project leads (Florian Lautenbacher and Marc Dutoo), Bjorn Freeman-Benson from, and a few people from Tibco who provided a few interesting questions about JWT's perspectives.

Please have a look at the announcement of the upcoming JWT Kickoff Meeting below.

The Java Workflow Toolbox is an Eclipse project aiming to provide a technology-independant business process tooling platform, in order to allow the developer to edit and test his business processes whatever the target business process grammar standard, the representation model used to edit the process, and the target business process engine. JWT's community hails from all over the world and gathers individuals and organisations with strong backgrounds in the field of Business Process Management tooling among them the University of Augsburg, Open Wide SA, Objectweb, eMundo Gmbh, the Eclipse STP Project, jBoss, Tibco, Shanghai JiaoTong University.

Kickoff meeting

The more administrative and organisational steps are in the process of being taken care of.

However, now comes the very important stage of actually starting to "do things" - analysis, architecture, API definition, implementation and testing, interacting with the community about the product, refining, in order to finally and hopefully having something that demonstrates the feasability of the idea, that is actually useful, and that actually puts forward the issue of BPM tooling standardisation.

In this perspective, a telco / Webex (thanks to Tibco) kickoff meeting will be scheduled at the beginning of february. The proposed date is feb. the 5th, and alternate dates would be the 7th and 8th.

Its goals are to help interested parties know each other and discover their respective interests in JWT, be it expertise or solutions in the BPM tooling or BPM standardisation tooling fields, experience of BPM standardisation or genericity problematics on the representation or grammar mapping levels, BPM engines knowledge...

It will consists in three parts :

* general interested parties presentation (including every board member - anybody interested will have talk time). The point is to help foster further collaboration between actors but also fields. 15 minutes max each including questions.

* architecture : anyone having experience in tackling the BPM tooling standardisation and genericity problematics is invited to present & showcase their architecture. The point is to have a starting point for the architectural analysis leading to the specifications. At least 30-40 minutes each.

* actions to be taken : administrative ones, next steps on all levels & dissemination. This last part is very important since JWT is an open source project gathering very different partners.

Kickoff meeting preparation

In order to be as efficient as possible, and since a physical meeting is not possible, the kickoff meeting should be well prepared. That includes : * anyone interested to attend, please register by answering this email or directly contacting a project lead

* anyone interested to do a presentation, please register by answering this email or directly contacting a project lead * specify the wanted alloted time, subject and which part of the kickoff meeting it goes in * please provide the slides in advance so they may be exposed on the wiki for everyone else to read.

Look for new information, upcoming presentations agenda and contributions to the meeting on
fn:Alain BOULZE
org;quoted-printable:INRIA Rh=C3=B4ne-Alpes;ObjectWeb Project
adr:Montbonnot;;INOVALLEE - 655, avenue de l'Europe;Saint-Ismier;;38330;France
title:SOA Project Coordinator
tel;work:+33 4 76 61 54 65
tel;fax:+33 4 76 61 55 63
tel;cell:+33 6 21 09 43 66

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