Notes from the STEM Call on December 6, 2018
Participants on the call: Jamie, Taras, Nereyda, Ahmad, Emily, Stefan, Kun, Matthias, Judy
Next Call: Thursday, January 10, 2019
1. Update on STEM Version 4.0 Milestone 1
*Release date: January 15, 2019
*New version now downloadable: Thanks to Ahmad for all his work
*Minor issue with warnings when using Model Builder: Suppress, not try to fix
*Testing new version: TO DO for all; send note on stem-dev if problems, etc.
* IPzilla: No outstanding bugs!
*Release review slide deck: Jamie will send out; tell him if you want to add your name
*Build runs: Ahmad has been doing daily; will change to weekly before release date
*Eclipse plan page: Jamie will update today; thanks to Matthias for the catch
2. Paper for a special feature in Health Security
*Submission date is January 30, 2019; word count is 5000, excluding figures and references
*Most content in; merging ASF project descriptions
*Merging/editing contributions to highlight main point, ease conceptual flow
*Edited version to be out for review on box the week of December 17
*Will use track changes for shared editing
*Final version to be ready for coauthors’ institutional review processes by mid-January
3. Items from participants
*D/L problem; was working; old build ran in error this am; will be turned off
*Has received gov’t funding for 2 years after she finishes her PhD; will be using STEM
*Sent note on stem-dev this am (Vol 116, Issue 2); problems (1) running headless on supercomputer, (2) using infector; possible causes discussed—paths, location of file; as soon as the merge is complete, Jamie and Stefan may be able to help