Notes from the STEM Community Call on June 8, 2017
On the call: Jamie, Stefan, Taras, Nereyda, Tekla, Judy
Next call: Thursday, July 13. Stefan will moderate
*Welcome to Engelhardt Tekla, PhD, Risk Assessor, National Food Safety Agency (Nebih), Budapest, Hungary. New at the agency, now using STEM and studying swine fever
*Congratulations to Nereyda Savilla on the completion of her doctoral studies
1. STEM 3.0.0 Milestone 5: Release to follow solution of problem with launcher on Mac
A major task, making the build compatible with Eclipse and awaits resources (summer intern? post doc?) Currently a workaround is available at
2. User queries
TO DO Stefan: Hide the random seed and the stochastic true/false option in the e-core of the disease model. Not a bug; there for backward compatibility
Taras: Trigger doesn’t work in mixing rate and model builder
TO DO: Will post bug; also will email project to Jamie and Stefan to view
Tekla: Queries raised in email of June 6 re Pajek and Libre Office resolved
Taras: Other option is to use shape file or other software (e.g., Artgis)
3. New server for STEM
Stefan: Need to move the server by the end of the year
Jamie: STEM no longer a primary project at IBM; focus is now food safety
TO DO All: Brainstorm at next meeting
4. Bugs
[NEW BUG]: Taras to post problem with trigger in mixing rate and model builder (see above)
515648: Mixing edges when migrating to another polygon
513636: Create option to log internal parameters over time
Workaround: Create a custom compartment. TO DO: Post on wiki
515654: Calculating disease model with model generator; multiple aging populations
[Bug on stem-dev]: Rate to probability, deterministic to stochastic
Workaround: (1) Hack it using math.rand from java math to add noise to the infection process and add new hidden compartment in susceptible line code. (2) Try with finite difference solver and jiggle the “f” value. (3) Go to the model creator on wiki and use the _expression_ editor to create a transition, “f”=random (0-1). Emily to test, write up for other users
5. New contributions coming soon to the STEM Wiki, Newsgroup
*Nereyda will share screen shots she developed to help new STEM user; link to her dissertation, podcast, article mentioning her doctoral work
*Taras will post Matthias’s presentations from the BfR training class
6. Items from Participants
*Nereyda: Will transition dissertation to article; Judy to assist
*Taras: Discovered minor hack to links on wiki 2012 publications 4 and 5; Judy to locate on Google Scholar and correct