As always, we welcome members of the STEM Community to join in our call, which is held at 9am Pacific time. If you want to participate, please contact me, judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx, for call in instructions.
STEM Community Call, December 8, 2016
*Wen Lin, Santa Clara County Department of Public Health
*Taras Guenther, BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment), Berlin
1. STEM 3.0.0 Milestone 4 is up as of 11/13/2015 (Stefan)
STEM build on new server
Date for new version deferred until ready to do new feature work
2. Issues Posted on the STEM Newsgroup
*STEM tutorial Triggering Interventions—Vaccination Example (Taras)
*Parameterized Simulations in STEM (Taras)
*Zika model in STEM (Tom Grubb)
3. Feature Work
4. Updates
Nereyda: Modeling pandemics in biodefense
Kun: Will not be on call; in Singapore
Jamie: Additional work on IBM’s 5 selected projects
Emily: Modeling spread of sheep disease
Matthias: Hackathon at BfR; STEM user interface
5. Bugs: None
6. Items from Participants