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[stem-dev] Agenda for STEM Call on 12/08/2016

As always, we welcome members of the STEM Community to join in our call, which is held at 9am Pacific time. If you want to participate, please contact me, judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx, for call in instructions.



STEM Community Call, December 8, 2016



*Wen Lin, Santa Clara County Department of Public Health

*Taras Guenther, BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment), Berlin


1. STEM 3.0.0 Milestone 4 is up as of 11/13/2015 (Stefan)

STEM build on new server

Date for new version deferred until ready to do new feature work


2. Issues Posted on the STEM Newsgroup

*STEM tutorial Triggering Interventions—Vaccination Example (Taras)

*Parameterized Simulations in STEM (Taras)

*Zika model in STEM (Tom Grubb)


3. Feature Work



4. Updates

Nereyda: Modeling pandemics in biodefense

Kun: Will not be on call; in Singapore

Jamie: Additional work on IBM’s 5 selected projects

Emily: Modeling spread of sheep disease

Matthias: Hackathon at BfR; STEM user interface


5. Bugs: None  


6. Items from Participants


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