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[stem-dev] STEM community call this Thursday

We invite you to join the call to discuss using STEM. If you are interested, please contact me, judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx, for call in instructions.


Agenda for the May STEM Community Call

Thursday, May 26, 2016


1. Date for STEM Milestone build 3.0.3 

*Scheduled for June? (Stefan)

2. Feature requests

*Evolving disease model to address genome (Jamie)     

*Progress with travel model (Nereyda)


3. Updates

*Zika  (?)

*Work on evolving disease model w/ UC Davis microbiologists (Jamie)


*BfR interest?

*Additional papers using STEM found on Google cited on STEM wiki (Judy) 

*Mathematical modeler Dirk Brockmann at RKI, the Berlin federal institute for disease control and prevention identified by Chris

                *Contact? (Jamie)          

*JUG Meeting in Berlin May 10, other working group/demo camp events in May and June (Werner)

*Two from BfR attended JUG (Chris reported on email)

*US funding opportunity on food safety (Jamie)

*BfR interest?  

4. Bugs
*Bug 465981: Kamesh’s problem with dengue model to be verified (pending)

*New bug: Running headless. Workaround successful when tested specifying display in FHS window or  team in the Philippines to address? (Jamie)

*New bug #465981: Batch experiments failing when transformation decorator used (Jamie)


5. Items from participants



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