STEM Community Call January 23, 2014
On Call: Jamie, Kun, Matthias, Judy
1. STEM 2.0.1 .... planned release date 1/30
Bug Fixes
Update to code generator
Updated Dengue Models
New Campylobacter Model
2. New Documentation for 2.0.1
==== Campylobacter
3. Update on Code Generator possible bug
Jamie: Stefan is working to ensure ok when “feces” is a population in campylobacter model (see also items 1,2)
4. Bug(s) of the week
425212 Discussion on behavior for Dragging and deleting nodes
368889 Enable stochastic simulations for older disease models DONE
Kun doing DENGUE
5. Feature Requests
Generalize Predicate to read discrete events from a file
6. Items from Participants
Food Safety papers
Re Figures for paper now nearing completion
For Figure 2 a-c Matthias will send new raw data to Stefan; figure will need to be redone
Need Figure 6 plus Figures for supplement; Kun will do
Judy and Jamie to discuss submission details
2nd and 3rd Food Safety papers
Kun: 2nd on gravity model (food consumed where it is sold); 3rd on shopping behavior
Matthias: Will advise, consult; not serve as full co-authors (resource issues)
Jamie: Will acknowledge/continue working relationship w/ BfR
Update on master’s student at BfR
Matthias: Still negotiating with faculty advisor
Marcus will develop a web based tool that allows the user to specify confidence, input own data
Will replicate method in paper and reference in code
Jamie: Want to get Food Safety idea out through publications; will take years in US to do (public demand, government $)