STEM Community Call November 15, 2012
On Call: Jamie, Stefan, Matt, Kun, Chris, Judy
1. Plan for V 1.4.1: ON TRACK
Schedule RC1 for Mon Nov 26
Date: Dec 14, 2012 (trip conflicts with this date?)
Bug Fixes from 1.4.0
Performance improvements
Polio Vaccination Example
New Solvers (one more pending and doc)
New STEM Update mechanism ***
*** New Food Distribution Analysis view (incubation) [[take out of release]]
*** New Apache library: DEFER TO V 2 pending Apache repair of bug, approval by Eclipse
TO DO: Jamie to confirm Apache library is working properly
TO DO: Stefan to change integrators when Matt moves over
Plan for V 2.0
Tentative Date: 4/17/13
Bug Fixes from 1.4.1
Performance improvements
Graphical Model Design (GUI for code generation)
Advanced Dengue Example
Stochastic Modeling - need to watch apach.math.commons library
New Apache library moved here from above
TO DO: Resolve Apache issues (see above)
TO DO: Chris to look @ impact on API between now and March
2. New Documentation for 2.0/1.4.1
* New STEM Update Mechanism
* Developers Environment guide updated (thank you Matt)
* New Doc on Food Distribution View [[take out of release]]
* Food Distribution view doc
* Need a doc page describing (or linking to descriptions) of different solvers
TO DO: Judy to review doc Stefan has entered on wiki for solvers
3. Bug(s) of the week:
Feature Request "community model repository" - we now are tracking in bug 393908
Discussion requested by Matthias is now on the news group.
376432 feature request for Smart Sequencer that stops if nothing is happening
idea: could we provide a trigger/predicate that if E+I = 0 stop (put in library folder - see above)
STATUS: we are investigating how a "Modifier" could/should act on a sequencer
PLAN: Put in V 2
Chris: Working on feed production
Jamie & Kun: Validating Danny’s work on food borne modeling; having trouble w/ one aspect of graph and code
TO DO: Jamie to send data and figures to Chris for his input
Stefan: Now have five new solvers plus finite differences
TO DO: Determine date for dengue
Matt: Refactored logic for java code out of geography plug in
TO DO: Chris to check out new plug in
Kun: Submitted dengue proposal for conference, Chris & Judy are listed as authors, can review on Easy Chair
Jamie: India team had successful meeting w/ Singapore; have data on aedes mosquito but not a uniform plot; mosquito population critical; perhaps have Singapore workshop next year