STEM Community Call June 20, 2012
On Call: Jamie, Stefan, Matt, Danny, Chris, Judy
0. Welcome Daniel (Danny), new summer intern
1. 1.4.0 Release Plan (tentative 9/25/2012)
Need milestone build around 6/1 and/or monthly
need to update plan page (and title)
performance improvements
parallel map views button (implemented; Chris & Danny working on new map view features)
Simplified creation of new Disease and Population models (Tools for generating new disease plugins)
Pajek-file Importer (Chris)
Enable import of discrete transportation events
Enable integration between user graphs and existing STEM graphs
Polio Example
Stochastic Modeling Framework
Ability to Delete Items inside a Graph from Designer Perspective
Deep copy drag and drop for models
Create new mixing edges (Chris put edges back, Jamie do generator)
Improved UI for decorators view
2. NEW DOC FOR 1.4.0
* Wiki practice
* Mixing edges and mixing edge graph generator integrated in transportation models page. Links posted on newsgroup (JK, JD)
* Map view features (Chris & Danny)
Danny: New patch (see under item 3)
Chris: Will make his map default perspective; will let team know via stem-deve
Matt: address issue w/ image fixer
* Pajak import tutorial (Chris)
* Best Practice for Developers, writing performance critical components in STEM (in progress)
* Additional doc for more realistic food SCENARIO doc is done but not in wiki yet
* Need better top level food modeling doc (draft created)
Stefan to add item from wiki to website
3. Eclipse Preferences (updating deprecated classes)
Danny: Working on new patch to map to remember user preferences (map position, colors, edges, etc)
4. Food production discussion. Next Step, cross correlation functions using simple toy model for testing
Chris: Needs to set constant level of disease in newborns; how to do?
Jamie: How to set level for genetic/hereditary/environmental disease? Eg, parkinsons, lead paint, proximity to nuclear plant? Genetic is part of disease model; environmental is local, ie, dynamic infector? Transformation decorator w/ new name (have the button)
TO DO: Discuss on stem-dev; need to get this lasting feature right
Jamie: New project model for foodborne illness; Matthias interested in this
Justin @ JHU is working on a gravity model for food distribution from retail to population
Jamie: Where/how get the data?
5. ISVEE2012 poster (need to make one by end of July)
6. Dengue and (possible) bug in NOA Climate data
Kun is out; will report on dengue another time
Jamie & Stefan: Working on the bug
7. BUGs of the week: # Tie Disease Parameter Modifications to Specific Locations (fix based on control labels)
* Discussed above under item 4
Stefan: Working on performance issues, map actions when looping over
Judy: Working on malaria paper submission
Jamie: Positive input from reviewers on merit of work