STEM Community Call November 17, 2011
On call: Stefan, Matt, Kun, Max, Matthias, Werner, Judy
There will be NO STEM call next week, 11/24/11, when the USA celebrates Thanksgiving.
The next scheduled call will be the following week, on 12/1/11.
===== Conf Call Agenda =======
STEM 1.2.3 RC4 now up, addresses bug 363681 reported by Jan-Fredrik
Unless new bugs emerge, will be released on 11/21 as STEM 1.2.3
STEM 1.3 RC1 is due 1/07/2012; target date for STEM 1.3 sometime later in January (see discussion under Shape File Import Utility)
Will include
* Ten years of Earth Science Data (2000-2010) available as STEM ''Features''
* Malaria Disease Model (''Anopheles'' calibrated)
* Dengue Fever Disease Model (''Aedes'' not yet calibrated)
* Additional NLS + User ability to switch languages
* Logger Framework with new loggers
====Release new loggers for 1.2.3
====Delete old loggers and views for 1.3
* SHAPE FILE IMPORT UTILITY: Still no green light from Eclipse on Open Map but Eclipse tells Matt it’s “not forgotten”
Max: Working to create interface as Jamie suggests; has to use 6 import readers; can’t do w/o SV
DISPOSITION: For time being, Bfr team, contractors will download Open Map as users (not developers) to use as plugin; this is not optimal; Matt will keep on Eclipse to gain approval; even if not approved, can make it work, build simpler app (Open Map is huge) that will work
RE RELEASE PLANNING: Matthias—when have to check this new feature in? When does code have to be committed?
Matt—probably won’t have Eclipse approval by 1/7; will think alternate ways to release (practice among other Eclipse projects)
Matthias—need time between holidays to finish this; then need 1-2 weeks for a release candidate for 1.3
Consensus: 1.3 RC1 1/7/12; 1.3 later January
* Integrating external models for study of food based transmission
* New Differential Equation solver(s) from commons.math library
* Population Rescaler
* Bug Fixes from 1.2.2
*** Need presentation slides for 1.3
2. New doc for 1.3
* Dengue
* Initializers
* Loggers
* Malaria (done)
* Mosquitoes VCAP (done)
* Population Rescaler
* Shape file importer (NEW)
* Solvers
3. Ideas for future STEM demos
>FD vs Integration
>Data Import example (playback)
>Data input example (initialize from csv)
>Data logging image and data examples
>Dengue Fever example(s)
>Disease Playback demo
> what else?
4. TOPIC DEFERRED TO 12/1/11: Norway Map update for/from Disease Prediction Service for Northern Norway (Kassaye)
Jamie sent Kassaya new .properties files. Air transportation still needed. Id’ed bug 362774.
5. Matthias still seeing problem with asia mosquito density demo (no mosquitoes) on Windows 7, 64 bit. Other scenarios ran fine (e.g. UsaMexicoDemo). Need to decide whether to fix before the release.
Odd bug: mosquitoes do not appear on Windows 7
TO DO: Will troubleshoot on Matt’s Windows 7 machine, try to reproduce
6. Items from participants
MAX: With Matthias, discussed issues with Matt yesterday; TO DO: Matt to send his comments. During call, confirmed understanding of graph generator. Per Stefan, UI will have to be very powerful, UI from EMF may not be enough, may want to create their own wizard, not use existing graph editors. Per Matt, explore possibility of extending by using framework of existing wizard; hardest part of UI will be mapping columns to labels. Max: Trying two dropdown boxes; Matt: will need third for values in labels
DISCUSSION: How to handle points? (STEM doesn’t have now.) Try now to put in a simple point with element name of Point: if this causes an error, can generate bug and fix it. Matt: We may need to add new code, but this is NOT Bfr’s problem
MATTHIAS: Posted item on newsgroup re new demographic population model, working on this, will soon create a new feature request; assumes model could be used multiple times within same scenario with same features. Timeframe for implementing new feature (worst case) would be January.
TO DO: Per Stefan, some issues, Jamie will get on this.
MATTHIAS: Assumes STEM is NOT food processing software; have this software separate via external links; load into STEM via decorator. Jan-Frederik is working on this, will submit a new feature request; is working on (1) graph editor (adding edges) and (2) inclusion of external software; will check in both before the end of the year. He will leave the team at the end of 2011.
WERNER: Proposal for EclipseCon USA? Matt: On East Coast, Almaden team members will not be able to attend.
DISPOSITION: Today Stefan will send Werner materials to use in preparing a STEM proposal that Werner can submit by the deadline tomorrow.