STEM Community Call August 11, 2011
On the call: Jamie, Stefan, Kun, Matt, Chris, Werner, Judy
On vacation: Matthias
Will repeat agenda as updated below next week to get Matthias’ input
Topics of the Week
1. STEM Release 1.2.1 is up
1*. Status of merge....DONE
2. Planning for 1.3 (10/31/2011)
We have the following. Matthias, are the targets below ok for you?
* Ten years of Earth Science Data (2000-2010) available as STEM '''Features'''
* Malaria Disease Model (''Anopheles'' calibrated)
* Dengue Fever Disease Model (''Aedes'' not yet calibrated)
* Additional NLS + User ability to switch languages
* Logger Framework with new loggers
* Graphical Editor V2 (remove per Matthias)
* Shape File Import Utility (Matthias?) Dependency on Open Map CQ
* Integrating external models for study of food based transmission (Matthias?)
* Bug Fixes from 1.2.1
* New Differential Equation solver(s) from commons.math library
*** other items for 1.3?
*** Is 1.3 the right number ? probably yes
*** Need presentation slides
*** any open CQs for this release ?
3. Colors
Updated colors on map, timeseries, and analysis timeseries views
TODO: org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences; is deprecated
This class is replaced by IEclipsePreferences.
option to add more Colors
4. Update on Babel
5. Items from participants
Dengue Fever simulation idea....