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[stem-dev] Notes from STEM Team Call 2/9/11


Task and Documentation Tracking

On call: Jamie, Byran, Justin, Dirk, Stefan, Matt, Dan, Werner, Judy


Testing Script and Prebuild Process (Stefan)

·         Adding some more tests, more scenarios

·         Yossi working on this, will input, verify



·         New Scenario: Dirk has added to new scenario tutorial; Judy reviewed; Dirk requests that people test it to see that it works

·         New Developer: Jamie has made some additions, changes


New Graphical Editor (added)

·         Jan’s email: Removed the bug in the graphical editor that caused the slow opening of the editor and added some coloring of different graphs. Next project will be the "own grapheditor plug-in"

·         Dirk will check to see if Jan needs help with this (structuring in once it is its own plugin); can be tricky; Jamie’s Alamaden team can help


Student Projects

·         Stefan: RIT student working on project

·         Jamie: Thailand students working

·         Bryan and Justin: Have made some progress, will add, present to class tomorrow

·         Process per Jamie: Create bug(s), enter into Bugzilla; Jamie will assign them back to Justin and Bryand; they generate a patch and attach to Buzilla as bug fix


Other News

·         Jamie has call w/ Anna McBryde later today re her modeling projects (TB, maybe others); will report next week


Items from Participants

·         Stefan: Working on new documentation re automated testing, will discuss w/ Jamie; critical: make sure tests are run before release candidate up

·         Dan: Has worked with Hudson and Buckminster; will talk w/ Yossi who is looking at Hudson

·         Werner: Will send Jamie a link on Eclipsecon, opportunity in Memphis; also notes STEM nominated for an award

·         Judy: Abstracts for Epidemics 3 (per Jamie, THE conference in the field) due in June, conference in Boston at end of November


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